Anitya, the field of opportunity

It is in this contexts that we have to grasp the truth of Anitya (Impermanence). The world in which we live, move and have our being is in a state of constant flux. It is always under process of a change.

There is naught in it which is changeless. We have to take note of this central fact and avail ourselves of the opportunity that is ours in so shaping the scheme of things in this ever changing world that the change may prove not only to our good and happiness but also promote the good and happiness of others.

If a change was impossible in the condition of our existence, our lot would have been worse than that of animals. We would be living in this world like prisoners with no will and no chance of improvement that would have been open to us.

Fortunately, however, we live in a world which changes and we have been endowed with faculties through which we can bring about rapid and far reaching changes in around us and ourselves as well. The opportunities and possibilities for a change are in fact limitless, far beyond even the most extravagant dreams of the boldest of our thinkers.

All changes for the better are for ultimate good, the values that they create are eternal and abiding. It is really difficult to gauge and correctly assess the extent of the changes that have been wrought in this world of ours, through man's efforts and man's will to affect changes. The changes that are in the offing are even more daring.


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