Buddhist Flag

Many of our Buddhist friends and devotees today knew existence of a flag for our Buddhist community worldwide. But few knew the meaning of the colours on the flag. It is important that every one of us in the Buddhist community know what does the Buddhist flag really mean to all of us.

The five colours of the flag represents the six colours of the aura that emanated from the body of the Buddha at the time of his Enlightenment.

Blue (Neela) represents Loving Kindness, Tranquility and Universal Compassion; Yellow (Pitha) means the Middle Path - abstaining from extremes of luxury and suffering; Red (Lohitha) stands for achievement, wisdom, virtue, fortune and dignity; White (Odatha) for purity and emancipation and Orange (Manjestha) represents the Essence of Buddhism with wisdom, strength and dignity.

The vertical stripe, compound of the other five colours (Prabhaswara - "essence of light") which symbolizes Truth.


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