The Utilitarian's Argument

The utilitarians will naturally enquire about the fate that would overtake the domestic animals when they get relieved from some of the difficult tasks which at present, are imposed onto them. The only correct and bold answer to this query would be that firstly nature has its own methods to adjusts its balances.

Further, sufficient scientific knowledge is now available through which the population of the domestic animals can be planned in such a way that it does not outstrip their actual requirements. Lastly, that with his advanced scientific knowledge man is now in a position to share his plenty with domestic animals and be content with only taking light work from them.

Humanitarian work

We have no hesitation in expressing the view that the use of machinery in replace of animal power, for tasks which are difficult and entail hard work and it is the bounden duty of every sincere Buddhist to make increasing use of machinery for such tasks.

The use of machinery is also a progressive effort in the emancipation of man and for providing him with leisure for higher pursuits. The cooperative commonwealth cannot be established unless an era of plenty is ushered and the era of plenty without the use of machinery is an idle dream and a mirage, say whatever we may to the contrary.

We can, however always opt for ways and means and a policy of graduation can always followed, if after a careful survey, we feel convinced that the switch over from manual to animal labour and then to machine in certain industries, need to be gradual, in the larger interest of a particular nation. There can be no objection also to reserve certain industries for the field of cottage industries, if the same can be run with almost equal efficiency and economy wit the assistance of small equipment.

The problem of industrialization in backward nations, which have a teeming population and which have so far subsisted on a predominantly agricultural economy is really difficult and we have need to be careful in handling such challenges.


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