Death Is Universal

Let us all examine how the Buddha solve this problem for two person who, through attachment, were both deeply grieved by death of their love ones. One person is Kisagotami. Her only child hd died after being attacked by a serpent. She went to the Buddha carrying the dead child in her arms to seek for help.

The Buddha then asked her to bring a few mustard seeds from a family where no one had died. But she could not find such a family everywhere. Every house that she had visited was either in mourning or had mourned over a death at one time or another. Then she realised the bitter truth: that death is universal. Death strikes all and spares no one. sorrow is the heritage of everyone of us.

The other person whom the Buddha advised was Patacara. Her case was even sadder. Within a short period, she lost her two children, husband, brother, parents and all her possessions. Losing her sense, she ran naked and wild in the streets until she met the Buddha. The Buddha brought her back to sanity by explaining that death is to be expected as a natural phenomena of all living beings.

"Patacara, you have suffered from the similar situation, not once, but many times during your previous existence. For a long time you suffered due to deaths of a father, a mother, children or relatives. While you were thus suffering, you indeed shed more tears than there is water in the ocean".

At the end of the Buddha's advice, Patacara suddenly realized the uncertainty of life. Both Patacara and Kisagotami comprehended suffering and death, learning through their tragic experiences. By deeply understanding the First Noble Truth of "Suffering", the other three Noble Truths were also understood.

"Whoso monks, comprehends suffering", the Buddha said, "also comprehends the arising of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the path leading to the cessation of suffering:.


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