Metta Sutta

A brief resume of the Metta Sutta given here will help to cultivate the spirit of Metta. The man who is wise seeks the good of all and who has obtained peace need to accomplish the following. He need to be strenuous, upright, sincere, contented and joyous.

He need to cast of pride, greed for worldly things and riches. He must keep his sense in strict control. Let him be wise without being conscious of it, and let him not spend all his efforts in gathering riches for himself and his family.

Let there be nothing mean in any of his actions. May all being be happy. May they be joyous and live in safety. All being whether weak or strong. In high or middle or low realms of existence. small or great, visible or invisible near or far. Born or to be born. May all beings be happy. Let no one deceive or despise each other or wish each other any harm.

Let there be no anger or hatred amongst people. Even as a mother at the risk of her life watches over and protect her only child so with boundless mind which has obliterated all distinction between one's self and others should cherish all living beings, suffusing love over the entire world above, below and all around without limit. So let us cultivate an infinite goodwill and love towards the entire world.

Let him always cherish thoughts while standing, walking, sitting or lying down, that the best way of living is to have love and friendliness towards all.

He who has abandoned vain discussion has acquired a clear vision, has given away craving, he is made perfect. He will never know rebirth. Develop and expand your love and send out your thoughts of love to the four corners of the globe and let these thoughts pervade the east, west, north and south. Envelop the whole universe and radiate your love everywhere.

Let the entire universe be suffused with you loving kindness. Meditation in this spirit when practised sincerely and persistently will truly break down the barriers of personality. An unusual sense of contentment will be experienced which will be superseded by consciousness of joy and the body and mind would experience a happiness hitherto unknown and mind will become astonishingly clear and serene.

Men of wisdom know just a little, they cannot know in fullness unless they have the strength which come of love. The true sage is not the seer who sees the farthest but is the man who loves the deepest and therefore comprehends the fullest.

True and sincere love for all beings is incompatible with the belief in gross inequalities. If we sincerely love all beings we must promote their material, moral, physical and spiritual well-being in the same measure as we seek our own.


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