
Adhishtana can best be translated by high resolve. It is the sign of a truly great man. No man can achieve success in life unless he is devoted to the work he takes in hand.

The perfect man need be a man of high resolve who is determined to achieve success and overcome all obstacles that may come his way. Now, we come to Brahmviharas the four divine states on which daily meditation is enjoined. These are:
  • Maitri in the sense of benevolence and loving kindness for all,
  • Karuna, compassion and pity for those who suffer,
  • Mudita, joyous sympathy with the happiness of all beings and retaining a joyous attitude of mind under all circumstances,
  • Upeksha or equi-mindedness i.e. acquiring an attitude of mind in which one has a sense of detachment and is prepared for all eventualities. 
It is absolutely necessary to make these basic virtues part of one's nature. There are other virtues which are equally important as we have shown in our narration of the Paramitas but these four divine virtues are pre-eminent amongst them all, so far as their utility for meditation is concerned, as they are harmonious in their effect.


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