A visit to Nandaka Vihara's Kutis and Sima Building

A view of the Sima Building from the main shrine. Have yet to go up there to see the internal part of the building (keeping everyone guessing). This is one of the kutis (monks' quarters) situated in one upper part of the hill. No entry, so have to take the view only from outside.This kuti is situated in one corner of the road leading upwards. Look at the very strong foundation planted at the bottom of the kuti in order to preserve the nature and environmental impact.
This is the first kuti situated at the down hillside viewed from the top. The prayer and meditation mini hall is also situated on top of the kuti.
This is the side view of the first kuti situated on the down hillside. Currently, two visiting Sanghas from Sri Lanka are residing in this kuti for the whole of this Vassa period.
This is a very beautiful fish pond situated near the first hillside kuti which was recently constructed. It beautifies the area there and enhanced the natural habitat over the compound. Sadhu to those who initiated this project.

These are some of the pictures that I had taken today, when making my way up the hill. Looking forward to reach up to the Sima Building very soon (the top one).

Besides, I am also applauded with the way the vihara's committee in managing and preserving the nature and environmental aspects of the hill side. Each site which houses a kuti were also given a preservation of the very natural landscaping with trees, flowers and plants being planted around the compound, of which I truly admired.

More pictures on these kutis would come soon after my exploration.


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