We cannot do without Dana

One must not assume that what is said covers all the benefits of dana. To enumerate all benefits of dana would indeed require a separate treatise in itself. If a person discard dana according to the belief of some malicious quarters, sociable relations would cease and metta (loving kindness) will disappear.

The rich will no more be charitable to the destitute. They will cultivate and attitude of disregard and say "oh let them die" or "who cares?" Humanity without dana will in fact be very much uncivilized. And of course, uncivility of mind eventually leads to savagery in physical action.

The Bodhisatta attained Self-Enlightenment and became Tathagata after renouncing wealth, power and glory of the crown only with the help and support of numerous donors offering him alms food, etc. He was then able to preach his noble Dhamma and establish the holy Holy Order of Sangha to propagate his Sasana with the support of wealthy devotees like Anathapidika, Visakha, King Bimbisara and others.

If there had been no such generous donors, there never would have been the Buddha, let alone his Sasana. Not only our Gotama Buddha, but also countless previous Buddhas. The Buddhas would not have attained Omniscience if the world were void of dana.

It is not feasible to list completely the benefits you get by generosity, by giving charity. Had there be no dana, there also would be no Buddhas to show us the way to Nibbana. Bear in mind that the cream of the society, the luxurious celestial beings, all of them are attributable to their charity; the poor and the destitute are those without generosity.

Should you earnestly wish to escape from samsara, resort to dana.


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