How good results differ according to dana?

Even if you offer alms to one, two or more bhikkhus, if you select them in personal terms, the dana becomes puggalika dana (charity meant for individuals). And if you do so, eventhough you offer alms to a thousand bhikkhus, you are only doing puggalika dana.

Except dana specially offered to Buddha and Paccekabuddhas, Sanghika Dana excels all other forms of dana. When we talk of Sanghika Dana, the Arahats are also included. In the case of puggalika dana, Arahats may or may not be included.

So, we can safely deduce that Sanghika Dana amounts to offering alms to the holiest bhikkhus whereas puggalika dana needs careful selection of the recipient bhikkhu.

It is quite logical to conclude that Sanghika Dana is much more powerful and much more beneficial than puggalika dana.


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