Hungry Ghosts in our world

A 'human hungry ghost' is the miser who lives for more and more money at the expense of everything else, falsely believing that it will bring him true happiness.

Another hungry ghost is a drug addict who can barely keep himself alive and is only concerned with getting his next dose, whose effects soon fade away, leaving him longing for another. Two neurotically dependent lovers might also be hungry ghosts if they keep trying to get something from the other, which the other might also lack.

Some people are also possessed by neurotic craving and longing out of inner emptiness that they live only to gather material things or emotional experiences (or assurance) for themselves. Even if they get what they want, it gives them little pleasure.

No matter what they possess, they always feel that there is something missing. The people crave for certain experiences to feel real and substantial are distracting themselves momentarily from their repressions and lack of spirituality.

Such people are dominated by mental state of craving. If one is to die tune to this mind-state, one is likely to reborn in the hungry ghost realm.


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