Am I a Demi-God?

Demi-gods are always trying to be cleverer, or stronger or wealthier or more experienced than others. Each watches for others to weaken so that he can seize power for himself.

Although trying to prove their superiority, they are very conscious of hierarchy and tend to form ordered power structures, allying with others to scheme against others - ultimately for themselves. They are able to relate to others only on basis of dominance or submission, not as equals and where they can, they will dominate.

Backstabbing and conspiracy is common. A human is and can be reborn as a Demi-god if he is egoistic and power crazy. However, he would also need some positive Karma to be reborn in a Heaven as it requires much merit.

Such person is however dominated by the mental state of Craving and Aversion as his merit is without Wisdom.

One who dies tuned to this mindstate is likely to be reborn as a Demi-god.


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