Is Karma always fair?

When we see dishonest people who are wealthy or cruel people who are powerful, or kind people who die young, we may doubt the law of Karma.

But many of this results we experience in this life are results of actions in previous lives and many of the action we do in this life will only ripen in future lives i.e. this is called long term Karma. Short term Karma is that which show results within a short term of time.

The wealth of dishonest people might be the result of their generosity in past lives. Their current dishonesty is however leaving karmic seeds for them to experience poverty in their future lives.

Likewise, the respect and authority given to cruel people is due to positive actions they did in the past. In the present, they are abusing their power, thus creating the cause for future pain.

Those who die young are experiencing the result of negative actions such as killing done in past lives. However, their present kindness is planting seeds or imprints on their mainstreams for them to experience happiness in the future.


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