Taking your Refuge to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

The simplest expression of one's intention of taking the Threefold Refuge in the Triple Gem as refuge is by repeating the following lines three times:

I go to the Buddha for refuge;
I go to the Dharma for refuge;
I go to the Sangha for refuge.

These lines can be repeated by one alone before an image of the Buddha or repeated line by line after a monk or nun. The formal ceremony is very simple, but it is the commitment that one has in the heart that truly matters.

A Buddhist may repeat the Threefold Refuge daily to remind himself that he has made a commitment to attain the goal of happiness and Enlightenment through the guidance and inspiration of the Triple Gem.

Benefits of Taking Refuge

Taking the Threefold Refuge is the first step on the path to Enlightenment. Therefore, through Moral Conduct and Mental Development, Self-Mastery, Wisdom and Compassion is achieved.

Even if Enlightenment is not achieved in this life, one who takes the Threefold Refuge is more likely to have favourable conditions for encountering the Triple Gem again, aiding the attaining Enlightenment in a future life.


RoseBelle said…
When I pray, I say "I take refuge in the Buddha, dharma, and sangha". Glad you included his in your post. I'm always pleased to come across blogs that covers Buddhism.

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