The Discourse on the Ten Things

This is what the Great Sage preached about the qualities of the sanghas, after hearing it and while practicing, he is freed from all suffering. For the entire world’s benefit and welfare, we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

Thus I have heard: at one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Savathi at Ananthapindika’s grounds in Jeta’s Wood. There it was that the Gracious One addressed the sanghas, saying, “Monks, Reverend Sirs”, those sanghas responded to the Gracious One, and the Gracious One said this, “there are these ten things, that one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on.

What are the ten? “I have become one who has no class”, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. “I am bound to others for my livelihood”, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect this. “I should comport myself differently”, one who has gone forth frequently reflect on this.

“Can I myself find no fault with my virtue?” one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. “Will my wise companions in the spiritual life, after testing me, find no fault with my virtue?” one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. “There’s alteration in and separation from, all that is dear and appealing to me”, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this.

“Its actions that I own, it’s actions that I am heir to, it is actions that I am born from, actions are my kinsfolk, actions are my refuge, whatever actions I did, whether good or bad, to that I will be the heir”, one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. “In what way do the nights and days pass for me?” one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this.

“Do I delight in empty places?” one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this. “Has the state beyond human beings, the distinctions of what is truly noble knowledge and seeing been attained by me? Will I at the end, when questioned by my companions in the spiritual life and not be embarrassed?” one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this.

These are the ten things that one who has gone forth should frequently reflect on this.

The Gracious One said this, and those sanghas were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in the Gracous One’s words.


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