About Compassion

In Buddhism, we are taught not only to love, but that our love also needs to arise from a mind of sincerity, purity and equality. We call this kind of love compassion. Compassion is a rational love. We also need to use true wisdom. Wisdom is the true mind and emotion is the illusory mind.

Love that arises from emotions will change while love that arises from wisdom will change while arises from wisdom will never change. Therefore, the Buddhas do not use love but instead compassion is used.

On appearance, love and compassion seem to be the same but their intentions are different. Love may change to hatred but with wisdom, love will never change. All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will love us no matter what happen; whether we love or hate them, becoming jealous or slandering, harming or destroying them. Their compassion for us will never change. This is true love.

Most of us will find that our six sense become polluted when they encounter external surroundings. When they are pleasing, we develop a heart of greed which we call it pollution. When these are displeasing, we develop a heart of resentment and anger, which is pollution too.

We need to remember that the Five Desires of wealth, sex, fame, food and sleep and the Seven Human Emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate and desire are impurities of the heart. Originally, our true nature was pure without impurities. We need to eradicate all impurities and rely upon our pure heart.

Cause and effect are linked through the past, present and future. What we undergo in this lifetime are the consequences of what we had done in our previous lifetimes, while what we do now will determine what we will undergo in our future lifetimes. If we cultivate diligently, we need not wait until the future lifetimes to reap our rewards, instead, we may see our deeds bear fruit in this lifetime.

We should be impartial to all people in any situation, good or bad. An impartial mind will lead to pure mind. Attachment as well as dissatisfaction and enmity are wandering thoughts. When one is free from all wandering thoughts, all discrimination and all attachments, one will attain a pure and impartial mind.

When the mind is pure and impartial, one will certainly be awakened, not deluded. One will then realize the goal of purity, impartiality and enlightenment.


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