The Single Essence of Buddhism

It may be just one simple word, but upadana is the most important thing. The heart of Buddhism is just uproot or cut off this upadana. Then dukkha will be finished. Please understand that this is the heart of all Buddhism, it is found in every sect and school. Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism or whatever kind of Buddhism you like, they are different only in name or in the external ceremonies and practices. But inside, it is all the same thing: the cutting off of upadana.

Do not be sad, do not be disappointed or anxious, do not make trouble for yourself thinking that you haven''t being able to study all the schools of Buddhism. Do not worry if you haven't been able to study Buddhism in Tibet, in Sri Lanka, in Myanmar, in China or any other locations. It is a complete waste of time. There is just one single essence or heart of it all, namely to eliminate upadana.

The labels of Theravada, Mahayana, Zen, Tibetan and Chinese reflect only the outer covering of what seems to be different kinds of Buddhism. If there are any differences, they are merely surface or superficial ones, just a bunch of accumulated rites and rituals. The true heart of the matter, the heart of all Buddhism, is the same everywhere: the uprooting and cutting off of upadana.

So, just study this one thing. Do not waste time being sad or thinking that you haven't study all the different kinds of Buddhism. Study this single matter of the cutting off of upadana, that is already enough.

If you really want to know Mahayana Buddhism like an expert, then you will need to learn Sanskrit. You can spend almost your entire life trying to learn Sanskrit and still not really know anything. Or if you want to study Zen Buddhism, then you will have to learn Chinese. Spend your entire life learning Chinese and in the end you still won't know what is Zen at all. To know Vajrayana Buddhism (Tibetan Buddhism), you will have to learn Tibetan. Just by learning the languages would cost the most of your life, yet you won't really have learned anything at the end of the process.

You still haven't got into the heart of Buddhism. These are just superficialities conjured up as new developments. Understand the heart of it all and learn just one thing: cutting off upadana. Then you wil know the essence of Buddhism, whether it is labelled Mahayana, Theravada, Zen or Vajrayana. Whether it is from China, Japan, Korea, Tibet or Thailand, it is all in one place: cutting off upadana.

Even in the single school of Theravada Buddhism, there are many different forms. There are many different ways of mental cultivation too. There's the kind of meditation from Myanmar, where they watch the rising and falling of the abdomen. There are the kinds based on the mantras "Samma Araham" and "Buddho, Buddho" as well as all other kinds of different things.

But if it is correct, the heart of each is always in exactly the same place, the need to eradicate upadana. If it hasn't gotten to the elimination of upadana, it isn't the real thing yet. and it won't be of any use or benefit, either. Why not be interested in matter of cutting off upadana or if we speak metaphorically, destroying the prison. So it is best if we speak about this prison.


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