Cultivating Peaceful Activity lies in being Honest and Upright

When most people think of cultivating peaceful activity, they probably think of their professional activity, their job and its stability and security.

However, if we take purity and diligence of all three types of activity mental, verbal and physical as the scope of activity, then both personal and professional activity are included.

We should pay attention to our behavior and be moderate in our deeds, words and thoughts. We should not act rashly or blindly be without standards, talk foolishly or say whatever comes to mind. We also should not be indecisive or change our mind constantly. This is a kind of cultivation we have to maintain in our daily lives.

It is a platitude that one should work diligently and harmoniously, yet it is not easily done. Even if normally you do everything successfully and just as you would wish, one day when you encounter some setback, dilemma or difficult problems you may have doubts regarding your work, who is it you are working so hard for anyway? If these sorts of thoughts arise, you are no longer working diligently and harmoniously.

Working diligently means taking one's work responsibilities seriously. Diligence is working hard without cease and throwing oneself wholeheartedly in one's work. If you have an attitude of holding back on your abilities or your mental and physical energy, then you are not working diligently.

In taking any action, one should consider the action based on the principle of benefiting others benefits oneself. Do not pursue your own benefit but rather work diligently for the benefit of others, giving thought and consideration to both their long-term and immediate benefit.

Whether at home, at work or in any other context, if you can look at things with this attitude, we believe that you will have good relations with others and enjoy their support.


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