Dependent Origination and Relativity

The Law of Dependent Origination is a realistic way of understanding the Universe. The fact that everything is nothing more than a set of complex relations is consistent with modern scientific views (such as Einstein's Theory of Relativity and the Quantum Theory).

Since everything is conditioned, relative and interdependent, there is nothing in this world which can be regarded as permanent entity with a permanent identity. Things are what they are and only in relation to other things.

For example, one is not independently or by nature a father - he becomes a father because of his relation to his son. A man who is a father to this son is also a son to his father. His identity is relative and depends upon his relation to another person.

Terms like long and short, high and low, father and son, etc are relative and only make sense in relation to other things. Relativity means that because each thing does not exist independently, it does not have an unchanging nature of its own with any inherent meaning.

The world is built on a set of interlinking relations but normally, we create false pictures of its permanency in our minds because of our ignorance and craving. For example, it is almost natural or desirable and to reject what is ugly and undesirable.

Being subjected to the forces of craving (greed) and aversion (hatred), we are misled by ignorance. We do not realize that it is in reality unreal. It is like a ball of fire, which when whirled around rapidly, can for a time, create the illusion of solid circle of light.


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