Charity is analogous to sowing seeds

Recipients are the fields,
Donors are the farmers,
Offertories are the seeds sown,
Benefits are the fruits.

In the Peta Vatthu Pali Text, it said "The recipient of the charity is like the hand; the donor i.e. the farmer, the offertories are the seeds sown. The benefits accrued later through out samsara are the fruits that are borne from the plants". Let us elaborate:
  1. In agriculture, the type of soil whether good or bad determines the yield. Similarly, the integrity and nobility of the recipient determine the nature of beneficial results.
  2. Just as the vitality of the seeds sown determines the growth and productivity of the plants; purity of offerings, gifts, whether they are procured through rightful livelihood or not and the quantity, determine the nature of beneficial results.
  3. Just as farmers will reap harvest in conformity with their skill in farming and efforts, so also donors will enjoy the results depending on their level of intelligence, appreciative joy and their sincere effort in giving dana.
  4. Farmers have to prepare to till and plough their fields properly, before sowing the seds so as to ensure good yield. Likewise donors must have pubba cetana (pre-charity goodwill) before giving dana. Result would depend on the intensity of their pubbacetana.
  5. Farmers need to weed and water their fields; only then the plants will flourish, in the same way donors need to recall their charity and feel satisfaction for the meritorious deeds. This apara cetana (post charity volition) of the donor determines the nature of beneficial results.
  6. If farmers, through folly, destroy their sprouts and seedlings they cannot enjoy the product of their labour. Similarly if donors feel that they shouldn't have done the alms giving and regret for it afterwards, then they fail to enjoy the good results due to their feeble apara cetana.
  7. Even thought the land the seeds are all in good condition, the sowing should be done in the right season, the right time so as to get a healthy crop. In the same way, one should give alms to the needy, at the suitable time and place. Such charity brings about best results.
There are such valuable lesson and guidance regarding dana in Peta Vatthu Pali Text. Therefore, in giving charity, the correct choice of recipient, the appropriateness of the time and place are very important.

The dana must be done with a blissful mind and cheerful volition. moreover, one should not do dana with a view to getting wordly wealth because such a wish is associated with greed and craving.

Your cetana should be as pure as possible.


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