About Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is being initiated by sages in China and India since time immemorial to prohibit the infliction of cruelties upon fellow animate beings - the basal step in regenerating the Great Compassionate Love which is pure quality inherent in the nature of man, to the enlighterned truth that all life forms whether human or non-human are rooted from one common heritage.

That is, we share a common life force animates within physical bodies. Although many discrepant issues have been put forward by those who do not understand or those who oppose the importance of a vegetarian diet, yet the foundation if vegetarianism remains unperturb because of its fundamental values.

Today, with adequate evidential material which involve men from all walks of life and traditions, vegetarianism is constantly acknowledged all over the world by young and old, as an essential diet to promote not only health consciousness - the most relevant way to human development, but also moralities as the principality of life as well - a goal towards Universal Love and Peace.


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