Seeking From Within
Whether attaining something outside of ourselves such as material objects or inside ourselves such as virtues, we still need to seek from within, from the mind. Seeking from outside would be futile. Why? The outside factor is a constant as it cannot change whereas the mind is variable, it can be changed. How do man made calamities, war for example come about? They are from the confrontational and conflicting thoughts in our minds. For example, when there is profit, who do you think of benefiting first? If we think of ourselves first, then it will be difficult to avoid conflicts of interest with others. If everyone thinks of him or herself, how can this world be safe and secure? On the other hand, if everyone can put others before themselves, how can this world be in disorder? Many scientist now believe that everything in this world is composed of elementary particles such as electrons and quarks and that they are all actually tiny particles vibrating at different frequencies. Th...