The Emphasis on Middle Path
It is perhaps necessary to emphasize the fact that the Buddha took some pain in emphasizing that the teaching that he was giving to the world was a middle path which avoided the extremes and perversity of the Brahamanical and monastic creeds, which were prevalent during his time. It was also a path which offered possibilities of progress for every mortal. The Buddha's own exposition of the path need to be reproduced for correct guidance. "It is neither the practice of sensuality a low and unworthy way, nor the practice of asceticism. There is a middle path, Bhikkhus, avoiding these two extremes a path which bestows understanding which leads to peace of mind, to higher wisdom, to Nirvana. It is right view and knowledge, right aims and motives, right speech and right conduct, right means of livelihood, right effort, right mind control and right meditation". Again and again has the Buddha emphasized on the fact that his path is a middle way. He says, :the Tathagata av...