Ahimsa means non-harmfulness, which represents the first precept. The following sutra gives a clear exposition of the Buddha's views:- "Creatures without feet have my love and likewise those that have two feet and those that have four feet I love, and those too have many feet" . A true and sincere Buddhist therefore cannot but cultivate boundless love and compassion for all creatures. Any other attitude is incompatible with the meditation of Maitri which all Buddhist need to cultivate. A Buddhist therefore cannot offer an animal for sacrifice, he cannot kill one for sport or for meat. Nor can he take meat diet, even though it has been offered to him as a gift as this would indirectly encourage the act of killing. He also cannot participate in war, for that is even a greater sin or crime. The Buddha's teaching on this point, a few of which are reproduced here, admit of no doubt or compromise on this most important issue: "Thou shall not kill, nor shall ye injure...