Methods for facing affliction
How can we face our problems? We must tell ourselves that everything happens does so for a reason. We don't need to delve exhaustively into the reasons. There's no time for that. Facing and improving the situation is most direct and most important. Many people say, "I am a good person. Why do I suffer so many hardships?" We need to be aware that with a material body comes karmic retribution and with that comes obstacles. If there is earth with its land, mountains and rivers, there will be sky with its winds, rains, clouds and fog. Even great practitioners suffer karmic retributions. For instance, the Buddha's toe was struck and hurt by a large rock and he encountered serious illness. However, karmic retribution and obstacles do not necessarily have to lead to affliction. This is where the difference between ordinary people and great practitioners lies. When ordinary people suffer due to the things they encounter, they lose faith and given up hope. Great practition...